So Much More Than a Simple Bike Ride…

What does a bike ride mean to you?
Some of you may choose to bike to work, reducing your carbon footprint while getting some much needed exercise. Others may opt for more adrenaline-fueled activities, such as mountain biking in Whistler. For me, biking has always been a fun summer activity. I love renting a bike and riding around the Stanley Park seawall when the weather is warm and sunny, taking in our beautiful city.

But, imagine a bike ride meaning so much more to someone…

For the women of Buhoma, Uganda, a bicycle is not only a mode of transportation, but the opportunity to learn employable skills and find gainful employment. I never thought two wheels and a metal frame could mean so much for an entire community. Ride 4 A Woman (R4W) is a non-profit organization that has set up bike rentals and tours of the Biwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. This initiative not only promotes economic development within the region but, has provided women with an opportunity to earn more money to support their families. In addition, R4W provides each woman with her own bicycle, greatly decreasing travel time and the need to walk great distances.

I know I complain about the hassles and stresses of using our public transit system (just read my tweets!). But,  I can’t even entertain the thought of having to walk everywhere – It would literally take me hours to do anything!  Many of us forget that the simple things we take for granted can create postive changes in someone else’s life, many times, in immeasurable ways. If you’re interested in their bike tours or donating to the R4W organization, just visit their website and check it out! This is definitely added to my Bucket List…